Crossfit XLT, Deep Roots Lawn Care relocate

Crossfit XLT just celebrated its 10-year anniversary, and now the business is in the process of relocating to a new building.

“This will be an improvement for our members,” said owner Bryan Bridges, who also works with American Family Insurance. “We are now moving into our own building.”

Crossfit XLT has been operating out of rented space at 251 E. Walnut St. for the past decade, but in January, Bridges purchased the property at 90 Kemp Dr., which most recently housed Deep Roots Lawn Care & Landscaping.

“I sold Deep Roots to Darrell Turner; he’s worked for me for eight years,” said Mike Pierce, who said he started Deep Roots about 15 years prior. “He’s been running the company for the last couple of years, so he’s taken over the lawn care and landscaping side of things.”

Pierce said Turner has purchased another building in Springfield’s industrial park to relocate Deep Roots’ operations. Pierce plans to focus on Deep Roots Concrete, a newer business that has grown.

“I’ve partnered up with Jake Noel and decided to focus more on that. Concrete has been booming,” Pierce said. “We started doing patios, then got into doing driveways and a lot of flat work. Now we’re doing storage units in Chatham and more commercial projects.”

Meanwhile, Bridges said he’s in the process of getting his new building ready and plans to have Crossfit XLT relocated by March 1.

“We’re taking a piece of the old building with us, our interior Crossfit graffiti wall,” said Bridges. “We’ll still have a piece of where we started.”