Intricate Minds moving to North Grand Avenue

Intricate Minds, a nonprofit that operates a community center with a variety of resources and services, is moving to 619 North Grand Ave. East as of Feb. 1.

Tiara Standage originally launched a for-profit event space, Everything Intricate, three years ago. In March 2023, she converted to a nonprofit and renamed it Intricate Minds, which has been operating out of space on South Grand Avenue East.

“We focus on drop-in services, we have a micropantry and a fridge and microwave if people want to fix themselves something to eat, plus we have clothing, shoes, hygiene items and hair kits available,” Standage said. “We also provide period products, pregnancy tests and Plan B.”

Standage said there are computers available for people who need to work on a resume or submit applications for employment, social security or disability.

“We also focus a lot on harm reduction, and we have different mental health groups and support groups that meet regularly,” she said. Standage said she hopes to reduce some of the stigma, particularly in the Black community, surrounding mental health issues and harm reduction.

She is currently in the process of remodeling and setting up the new space, which previously housed Risen Appliances. “I closed down the old location for this week, and the new location will be open Feb. 1,” Standage said. “It’s a community center, so anybody can come in and get services.”

Several volunteers help Standage with staffing, and she plans to have the new location open from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

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